The main challenges that Iranian logging domain and industry has been encountered during the recent years could be classified as human resources, technology, management, Procedures and communications, and data quality.
It is more than a century since Oil has been discovered in Iranian plateau. Iran is one of the majors and leading countries in Oil & Gas reserves. In fact, oil industry has been established in the Middle East since the drilling bit reached to oil at well number one at 356m in Masjed-Suleiman field (MIS1-) on 26th May 1908. Since the first well was drilled in United State the importance of the black gold has been increased day to day as main source of the energy worldwide. At the same time, one of the primary challenges that Oil & Gas industry encounter was reserve evaluation and simultaneously importance of Electrical Loggings have been considered necessary.
In Iran, Logging Operation of continuous measurement of hydrocarbon and reserves properties has been recorded in Lali field (Lali1-) in 1938 by Schlumberger brothers for the first time. Since then, the logging companies put their tools and technology into service in Iranian onshore and offshore fields. Since 2012 and prior to that, due to sanctions against Iran, logging tools & technologies have been restricted and limited to Traditional and longestablished tools. Also, recent tools & technologies in Iranian logging market are mainly imported and not well-built. Although few local companies (despite of the vast challenges) have had some achievements in this field most of the local technologies are copied from the imported traditional ones. Although there are limited number of patents in this regard and in some cases; for instance, Perforation domain (Guns & Bullets) local knowledge and technologies are completely independent.
The main challenges that Iranian logging domain and industry has been encountered during recent years could be classified as human resources, technology, management, Procedures & communications, and data quality. In this regard, the technology gaps and human resources have had the largest affects as per Priority Matrix (refer to Logging & Petrophysical Committee). In detail, each challenges included some subsidiaries, as an example Financial, Investments, Payments, Contracts terms and conditions Problems are included into Management challenges.
The main challenges that Iranian logging domain and industry has been encountered during the recent years could be classified as human resources, technology, management, Procedures and communications, and data quality.
In brief, access to new technologies is not simple at the present time, and lacks of new and up-to-date technologies imposed the most damage on Iranian logging industry during sanctions. In fact, the implementions of substandard tools and technology with low quality bring about poor quality results at most of the cases. Therefore, at the moment by reinforcing the human resources and increasing knowledge and expertise levels with integrated educations at least could improve data quality at logging domain.
In this regard, Iranian Logging and Petrophysics Committee has been trying to evaluate and prioritize the drawbacks and root causes of the challenges in order to provide the solutions. Also as a committee, we are trying to determine logging Road Map and KPI to improve the logging domains future in Iran and looking forward to post sanction time.