The system “Simpleology – The Simple Science of Getting What You Want” was created by Mark Joyner following the basic tenet that simple, small things can have a profound difference in your productivity and in your ability to create happiness and success in your life. The first “Simpleology” course, “Simpleology 101”, teaches a system for managing your time based on years of productivity research, and it’s completely free.
“Simpleology” courses are straightforward, fun, easy, and entertaining. Their purpose is not to inform you, but to transform you. Each course applies proven techniques of Learning and Behavioral Psychology to improve your retention. In order to expose your mind to the dragoncityhackonlines ideas presented in the course in as many different ways as possible, the multi-media “Simpleology” courses include:
• Five-minute animated cartoon lessons.
• Retention-building quizzes.
• Memory joggers distilling the essence of what you need to know from each lesson.
• Step-by step course checklists.
• A “Virtuosity Book” (a downloadable PDF version of all the lessons).
• Audios of the “Virtuosity Book” so that you can listen to each lesson as you read along.
The “Simpleology 101” course consists of 20 short, easy to understand lessons. You’re instructed to complete only one lesson per day. In addition, when you’ve completed the last lesson of the course you should go through all the lessons a second time.
“Simpleology” dictates that in order to hit a target you first have to clearly identify what that target is. That is, you have to know what you want. In addition, it explains that you need to start with the big picture: describe what your ideal or ultimate life would look like. Then you set milestones toward creating that ideal life—focusing on one element of your ideal life at a time so that you don’t scatter your energy–and you further break down these milestones into the smallest chunks you can think of. You then plan each day based on the small steps you have identified which will steadily move you toward achieving your goals.
In addition to the “Simpleology 101” course, when you sign up for free for “Simpleology” you have access to a suite of software applications which you can immediately download at absolutely no cost:
• The WebCockpit is software that allows you to integrate the basic principles of Simpleology into your daily life for quick results.
• The DesktopCockpit allows you to extend the Webcockpit onto your desktop so that you can have instant access to these functions throughout the day.
• The Wimiki sits in the lower right corner of your desktop and directs you throughout the day to do things that will boost your energy and raise your productivity. It’s like having a mini-coach right on your computer.
By planning each day based on the small things that you can do on that day to steadily move you toward achieving your short, mid, and long-term goals, and toward creating your ideal lords mobile cheats hack life, you’ll be making optimal use of your time. In addition, “Simpleology” teaches not to add unnecessary steps to the path toward reaching your goals–such as wasting your time doing “busy work”, aimlessly surfing the net, constantly checking your e-mail, and so on–and that each decision that you make—however small it may seem—is either moving you toward your targets or away from them. “Simpleology” helps you to identify which actions are keeping you on the path toward hitting your targets and which ones are throwing you off course.
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