Merger and Acquisition

#7-Drilling Magazine-2

Due to the conditions, trends, and production amount of crude oil in the recent years, few believe or even consider  the possibility that in the near future the oil market would experience  prices like those in 2011 and 2012. Under such conditions, the most logical approach is that  adopted by large international oil companies: managing and reducing the costs, optimizing the  investments, choosing the best and most justifiable options for investment, and many other
issues that are always addressed in various papers. One of the methods employed in many  industries, and not only in the oil and gas industry, to reduce the costs and increase the range of  activities and the power to bargain is  merger and Acquisition. In the oil industry, with regard to  the oil prices and the trends mentioned above, this  method has been most welcomed by international  companies, and many companies have recently merged with other companies or have bought smaller  companies to increase their power in many ways. Regarding this topic and the importance of moving  toward optimal solutions such as M&A for the developing countries, this volume of the  magazine  attempts to study Merger and Acquisition in a professional format and from different perspectives.
The challenges faced by the human resources of companies when dealing with M&A, the cases performed in the USA, the legal issues about M&A in Iran, the economic conditions of companies that  lead to solutions such as M&A, and the issues of organizational culture and the challenges and  problems of integration and ownership in this field are among the topics discussed in this Cover  Story chapter.

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